Closures for Dummies (or why IIFE !== closure)

[Update: this article is bogus! I misunderstood the criteria that determines when a closure becomes a closure! To be clear: in JavaScript, every function effectively creates a closure. Nuf said. Go ahead and read the rest if you’re bored.

There are lots of blog posts and online articles about javascript closures. Many of them are well written. Closures have also been discussed at length with Brendan Eich. I really shouldn’t have to write another blog post. Yet, here I am.

Why? Because I still see many people misusing the term, “closure”. Specifically, I see people confusing IIFEs with closures.

I was going to see if I could craft a twitter-friendly 140-char explanation of the differences between IIFEs and closures. A noble cause, for sure, especially since I suspect that the reason that there’s so much confusion is that many of the explanations are either tl;dr or too technical.

140 characters may have been too ambitious. Let’s see if I can do it in 140 words or less. Starting… now. Well, not including code snippets, mmkay? OK. Starting… now.

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